So this summer I had the time to work on some sewing and crafting projects, one of my favorite things to do. It all started with this UGLY I don't even know what you would call it that I bought at Goodwill for $1.00. I thought, "I can paint that and do something with it", so I gussied it all up and hung it in my laundry room.


What do you think?
Next I did a couple of sewing projects. I bought this denim dress at Walmart on clearance, and didn't try it on until I got home. Well, I discovered that it was a little short for me, so it hung in my closet for awhile. Then I remembered I had this awesome fabric so I decided to add a little bit to the bottom for length but it also made a fun, funky dress that I love!

And I made a headband to match!
I also made this pillowcase dress out of 2 bandannas for Eva for the 4th of July. I added the white petticoat under it for a little volume, and she looked so cute in it! I think I might change out the ribbons to black ribbons so she can wear it at other times besides patriotic holidays.

For Eva I also made this hair clip for the 4th of July (she wore it with a
different outfit than the bandanna dress, of course!)

Next I learned how to make fabric rosettes, so I made myself a necklace out of them. I LOVE it, and I got so many compliments on it when I wore it to church!

The rest of the pictures are of headbands I have made, for myself or for gifts. I have made several more but forgot to take pictures before I gave them away! I think I have become addicted to making headbands. They are so trendy right now and I love wearing them in my hair, plus they are easy to make and much cheaper than you would pay in a store. The hardest part is coming up with the design!

Don't you wish you had my mad skillz??
Lastly, I wanted to tell you about Rocky's "craftiness" that he's been working on this summer - our garden! He and a friend built these planter boxes last fall in our teeny tiny side yard, and this summer we filled them up with fruits and veggies! We put in blackberries, strawberries, watermelon, squash, zucchini, green peppers, and several herbs. They look like they are doing well, but it wasn't a great crop this first season. Some plants did better than others, and some didn't make it at all. It was pretty much a trial for us, because we definitely don't get full sun on the side yard. We are going to try it again next summer, and hopefully we'll have better luck. But it's been fun learning!
We did get a couple of good sized squash. Yum!
If anyone has any gardening tips for us, I'd love to hear them.
Well that's it for my crafty post. I hope this summer you got to do something you enjoy! Stay tuned for one more Fun Summer post!