Saturday, May 23, 2009

My talented husband!

On Friday we took our boat out to the lake for a couple hours.  It was our first trip of many for the summer season!  Let me know if you ever want to come - we love having friends join us!  Anyway, here's a couple pictures from the trip.  Rocky is a great wakeboarder and was jumping lots of waves.  This picture was the clearest one, but I have several others that show him catching major air!    

Here's a picture of the kids, trying to smile in the sun!  They love being on the boat, but don't love having to wear their life jackets so much.    
Eva prefers to stay dry, but Eli loves jumping in the lake for a swim to cool off.  Soon he's going to learn how to wakeboard like his mom and dad - yes, I wakeboard too!


Chels said...

Go Rocky!
Wow, you wakeboard Erika?? That's fun!
Your boat trip looks so inviting, wish we lived close!! Have fun playin' in the sun and remember the sunscreen!!

Natalie said...

It's always so much fun in the sun. The kids look so cute, as usual. Have a fun summer.